Dzogchen & Padmasambhava
By Sogyal Rinpoche (and many others),
and His Holiness The Dalai Lama;
The Dzogen Teachings and the Empowerment of Padmasambhava
and his Eight Manifestations For World Peace,
San Jose, California, October 8 & 9, 1989.Rigpa Publications (now ZAM Publications)
©1989 by Rigpa Fellowship
P.O. Box 7866
Berkeley, CA 94707Table of Contents:
Appendix: The Dzogchen View of Ngöndro
Dzogchen View, Meditation & Action
The Heart of Dzogchen Practice
The Spirit of Dzogchen
The Path
The Lotus-Born Guru
The Guru Principle
Guru Yoga
The Nine Yanas
The Ancient Transmission of the Nyingmapas
Dzogchen is both the final and ultimate teaching, and the heart of the teachings of the Buddhas. Though generally associated with the Nyingma or Ancient School of Tibetan Buddhism founded by Sambhava, Dzogchen has been practiced throughout the centuries by masters of all different schools as their innermost practice . . .
Whereas Buddha is principally known for having taught the Sutrayana teachings even though he did teach the Tantras in secret, Padmasambhava came to this world, and to Tibet in particular, in order to teach the Tantra. So whilst Buddha Shakyamuni represents the Buddha principle, the most important element in the Sutrayana path, Padmasambhava personifies the Guru principle, the heart of Vajrayana Buddhism, and is therefore known as 'sangye nyipa', the second Buddha . . . .
The most powerful way to invoke the inspiration and view of Dzogchen is through the practice of Guru Yoga: "merging with the mind of the Guru". That is why, throughout history, the great Dzogchen masters, such as Jikme Lingpa, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Patrul Rinpoche for example, have treasured Guru Yoga as their innermost practice. Patrul Rinpoche would even recite the words of the Guru Yoga involuntarily when he rolled over in his sleep.
"On an ultimate level," [said the late] Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, "it is through Padmasambhava that we can realize the nature of mind and the meaning of Dzogchen or Mahamudra. For one cannot realize them without the practice of Guru Yoga. Guru Yoga is the key." . . .
At the end of the empowerment, Padmasambhava dissolves into light and becomes one with you, in the nature of your mind. Or you can consider that rays of light emanate from Guru Rinpoche, and as they touch you, you dissolve completely into light and become one with him. At that moment, you recognize that the nature of your mind is the Absolute Lama, inseparable from you. In that state of indivisibility, you quietly rest, realizing this to be the nature of Dzogpachenpo.