The Divine Scripture of Adidam

The Full and Final Word of
The Divine World-Teacher,
Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj,
Given in His Twenty-Three "Source-Texts"
of "Bright" Divine Self-Revelation
and Perfect Heart-Instruction

The twenty-three "Source-Texts" of the Ruchira Avatar are the most extraordinary books ever written.  They are the world's greatest Treasure, the Ultimate and All-Completing Revelation of Truth.

These books are the unmediated Word of the Very Divine Person, Adi Da Samraj, Who is Offering the True World-Religion of Adidam, the Religion of Most Perfect Divine Enlightenment, or Indivisible Oneness with Real God. Avatar Adi Da Samraj is the Realizer, the Revealer, and the Divine Author of all that is Written in these sublime Texts. No mind can begin to comprehend the Magnificent Self-Revelations and Self-Confessions Given by Adi Da Samraj in these books.

And these twenty-three "Source-Texts" (together with the "Supportive Texts", in which Avatar Adi Da Gives further detailed Instruction relative to the functional, practical, relational, and cultural disciplines of the Way of Adidam) 1 Give Avatar Adi Da's complete Instruction in the Process (never before Known or Revealed in its entirety) of Most Perfectly Realizing Reality Itself, or Truth Itself, or Real God.

The long-existing religious traditions of the world have depended on oral traditions and memory. Their teachings and disciplines typically developed long after the death of their founders, based on the remembered (and often legendary or mythological) deeds and instruction of those Realizers. These traditions have thus been colored by legends and cultural influences that obscure the original revelation. Yet, every historical revelation, even in its first purity, has necessarily been limited by the degree of realization of its founder.

Adidam does not depend on the vagaries of oral tradition and memory, nor is it limited by any partial point of view. Adidam is the Perfect Divine Way Revealed by the One Who Is Reality Itself (or Truth Itself, or Real God). Adi Da Samraj is alive now in bodily (human) Form, and He has Personally tested the entire course of Divine Enlightenment described in these books in the course of His own human Lifetime.

In His twenty-three "Source-Texts", Avatar Adi Da is Speaking to all humankind, asking us to feel our actual situation, to take seriously the mayhem of the world, its pain and dissatisfaction, its terrible potential for suffering. And, with Divine Passion, He Calls every one to turn to Him and, in that turning, to rise out of gross struggle and conflict.

The twenty-three "Source-Texts" of Avatar Adi Da Samraj Reveal the greater Purpose and Destiny of humanity. Indeed, they are the key to the very survival of this planet. This unparalleled body of Scripture is the Message you have always been waiting for and never imagined could come.

In the Words of the Divine Avatar Himself:

"All the Scriptures are now fulfilled in your sight, and your prayers are answered with a clear voice."

In The Dawn Horse Testament, Avatar Adi Da Samraj makes His own Confession relative to His Impulse in creating His twenty-three "Source-Texts", and He also expresses the requirement He places on all His devotees to make His Divine Word available to all:

Now I Have, By All My "Crazy" Means, Revealed The One and Many Secrets Of The Great Person Of The Heart. For Your Sake, I Made My Every Work and Word. And Now, By Every Work and Word I Made, I Have Entirely Confessed (and Showed) My Self, and Always Freely, and Even As A Free Man, In The "Esoteric" Language Of Intimacy and Ecstasy, Openly Worded To You (and To all). Even Now (and Always), By This (My Word Of Heart), I Address every Seeming Separate being (and each one As The Heart Itself), Because It Is Necessary That all beings, Even The Entire Cosmic Domain Of Seeming Separate beings, Be (In all times and places) Called To Wisdom and The Heart.

The Twenty-Three "Source-Texts" of Avatar Adi Da Samraj

The twenty-three "Source-Texts" of Avatar Adi Da Samraj include:

(1) an opening series of five books on the fundamentals of the Way of Adidam (The Five Books Of The Heart Of The Adidam Revelation),

(2) an extended series of seventeen books covering the principal aspects of the Way of Adidam in detail (The Seventeen Companions Of The True Dawn Horse), and

(3) Avatar Adi Da's paramount "Source-Text" summarizing the entire course of the Way of Adidam (The Dawn Horse Testament).

The Five Books Of
The Heart Of The Adidam Revelation

Book One:
Aham Da Asmi
(Beloved, I Am Da)
The "Late-Time" Avataric Revelation
Of The True and Spiritual Divine Person
( The egoless Personal Presence Of Reality and Truth,
Which Is The Only Real God )
( The most extraordinary statement ever made in human history.
Adi Da Samraj fully Reveals Himself as the Living Divine Person
and Proclaims His Infinite and Undying Love for all and All. )

Book Two:
Ruchira Avatara Gita
(The Way Of The Divine Heart-Master)
The "Late-Time" Avataric Revelation Of
The Great Secret Of The Divinely Self-Revealed Way
That Most Perfectly Realizes The True and Spiritual
Divine Person ( The egoless Personal Presence Of
Reality and Truth, Which Is The Only Real God )
( Avatar Adi Da Offers to every one
the ecstatic practice of devotional relationship to Him—
explaining how devotion to a living human Adept-Realizer
has always been the source of true religion,
and distinguishing true Guru-devotion from religious cultism. )

Book Three:
Da Love-Ananda Gita
(The Free Gift Of The Divine Love-Bliss)
The "Late-Time" Avataric Revelation Of
The Great Means To Worship and To Realize
The True and Spiritual Divine Person
(The egoless Personal Presence Of Reality and Truth,
Which Is The Only Real God)
( Avatar Adi Da Reveals the secret simplicity at the heart of Adidam—
relinquishing your preoccupation with yourself
(and all your problems and your suffering) and, instead,
Contemplating the "Bright" Divine Person of Infinite Love-Bliss. )

Book Four:
Hridaya Rosary
(Four Thorns Of Heart-Instruction)
The "Late-Time" Avataric Revelation Of
The Universally Tangible Divine Spiritual Body,
Which Is The Supreme Agent Of The Great Means
To Worship and To Realize The True and Spiritual
Divine Person (The egoless Personal Presence Of
Reality and Truth, Which Is The Only Real God)
( The ultimate Mysteries of Spiritual life, never before revealed.
In breathtakingly beautiful poetry, Avatar Adi Da Samraj sings
of the "melting" of the ego in His "Rose Garden of the Heart". )

Book Five:
(The Only Truth That Sets The Heart Free)
The "Late-Time" Avataric Revelation Of The
"Perfect Practice" Of The Great Means To Worship and
To Realize The True and Spiritual Divine Person
(The egoless Personal Presence Of Reality and Truth,
Which Is The Only Real God)
( An address to the great human questions about
God, Truth, Reality, Happiness, and Freedom.
Avatar Adi Da Samraj Reveals how Absolute Divine Freedom
is Realized, and makes an impassioned Call to everyone
to create a world of true human freedom on Earth. )

The Seventeen Companions
Of The True Dawn Horse

Book One:
Real God Is The Indivisible Oneness Of Unbroken Light
Reality, Truth, and The "Non-Creator" God
In The True World-Religion Of Adidam
( The Nature of Real God and the nature of the cosmos.
Why ultimate questions cannot be answered
either by conventional religion or by science. )

Book Two:
The Truly Human New World-Culture
Of Unbroken Real-God-Man
The Eastern Versus The Western Traditional
Cultures Of Mankind, and The Unique New Non-Dual
Culture Of The True World-Religion Of Adidam
( The Eastern and Western approaches to religion,
and to life altogether—and how the Way of Adidam
goes beyond this apparent dichotomy. )

Book Three:
The Only Complete Way To Realize
The Unbroken Light Of Real God
An Introductory Overview Of The "Radical"
Divine Way Of The True World-Religion Of Adidam
( The entire course of the Way of Adidam—
the unique principles underlying Adidam, and
the unique culmination of Adidam in Divine Enlightenment. )

Book Four:
The Knee Of Listening
The Early-Life Ordeal and The "Radical"
Spiritual Realization Of The Ruchira Avatar
( Avatar Adi Da's autobiographical account of the years from
His Birth to His Divine Re-Awakening in 1970.
Includes a new chapter, "My Realization of the Great Onlyness of Me, and
My Great Regard for My Adept-Links to the Great Tradition of Mankind". )
(earlier version)

Book Five:
The Divine Siddha-Method Of The Ruchira Avatar
The Divine Way Of Adidam Is
An ego-Transcending Relationship,
Not An ego-Centric Technique
( Avatar Adi Da's earliest Talks to His devotees,
on the fundamental principles of the devotional relationship to Him
and "radical" understanding of the ego.
Accompanied by His summary statements on
His relationship to Swami Muktananda and on
His own unique Teaching-Work and Blessing-Work. )
     (earlier version)

Book Six:
The Mummery
A Parable Of The Divine True Love
( A work of astonishing poetry and deeply evocative archetypal drama.
This is the story of Raymond Darling's birth, his growth to manhood,
his finding and losing of his beloved (Quandra), and
his ultimate resolution of the heart-breaking "problem" of mortality.
The Mummery is Avatar Adi Da's telling of His own Life-Story
in the language of parable, including His unflinching portrayal of
how the unconverted ego makes religion (and life altogether)
into a meaningless mummery. )
(earlier version)

Book Seven:
He-and-She Is Me
The Indivisibility Of Consciousness and Light
In The Divine Body Of The Ruchira Avatar
( One of Avatar Adi Da's most esoteric Revelations—
His Primary "Incarnation" in the Cosmic domain as
the "He" of Primal Divine Sound-Vibration, the "She" of Primal Divine Light,
and the "Son" of "He" and "She" in the "Me" of His Divine Spiritual Body. )

Book Eight:
Ruchira Avatara Hridaya-Siddha Yoga
The Divine (and Not Merely Cosmic)
Spiritual Baptism In The Divine Way Of Adidam
( The Divine Heart-Power (Hridaya-Shakti)
uniquely Transmitted by Avatar Adi Da Samraj,
and how it differs from the various traditional forms of
Spiritual Baptism, particularly Kundalini Yoga. )

Book Nine:
Ruchira Tantra Yoga
The Physical-Spiritual (and Truly Religious)
Method Of Mental, Emotional, Sexual, and WholeBodily
Health and Enlightenment In The Divine Way Of Adidam
( The transformation of life in the realms of money, food, and sex.
Includes: understanding "victim consciousness";
the ego as addict; the secret of how to change,
going beyond the "Oedipal" sufferings of childhood;
the right orientation to money; right diet;
life-positive and Spiritually auspicious sexual practice. )

Book Ten:
The Seven Stages Of Life
Transcending The Six Stages Of egoic Life
and Realizing The ego-Transcending Seventh Stage Of Life
In The Divine Way Of Adidam
( The stages of human development from birth to Divine Enlightenment.
How the stages relate to physical and esoteric anatomy.
The errors of each of the first six stages of life, and
the unique egolessness of the seventh stage of life.
Avatar Adi Da's Self-Confession as the first, last,
and only seventh stage Adept-Realizer. )

Book Eleven:
The All-Completing and Final
Divine Revelation To Mankind
A Summary Description
Of The Supreme Yoga Of The Seventh Stage Of Life
In The Divine Way Of Adidam
( The ultimate secrets of Divine Enlightenment—
including the four-stage Process of Divine Enlightenment,
culminating in Translation into the
Infinitely Love-Blissful Divine Self-Domain. )

Book Twelve:
The Heart Of The Dawn Horse Testament
Of The Ruchira Avatar
The Epitome Of The "Testament Of Secrets"
Of The Divine World-Teacher, Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj
( A shorter version of The Dawn Horse Testament—
all of Avatar Adi Da's magnificent summary Instruction,
without the details of the technical practices engaged by His devotees. )

Book Thirteen:
What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who
To Remember To Be Happy
A Simple Explanation Of The Divine Way
Of Adidam (For Children, and Everyone Else)
( A text written specifically for children but inspiring to all—
with accompanying Essays and Talks on Divine Ignorance,
religious practices for children and young people in the Way of Adidam,
and the fundamental practice of whole bodily devotion to Avatar Adi Da Samraj.
The central text of this book is also available in an illustrated children's edition. )

Book Fourteen:
Santosha Adidam
The Essential Summary
Of The Divine Way Of Adidam
( An extended overview of the entire course of the Way of Adidam,
based on the esoteric anatomy of the human being and
its correlation to the progressive stages of life. )

Book Fifteen:
The Lion Sutra
The "Perfect Practice " Teachings
Of The Divine Way Of Adidam
( Practice in the ultimate stages of the Way of Adidam.
How the practitioner of Adidam approaches—
and passes over—the "Threshold" of Divine Enlightenment. )
(earlier version)

Book Sixteen:
The Overnight Revelation Of Conscious Light
The "My House" Discourses
On The Indivisible Tantra Of Adidam
( A vast and profound "consideration" of the fundamental Tantric principles
of true Spiritual life and the "Always Already" Nature of the Divine Reality.
The day-by-day record of Avatar Adi Da's Discourses
from a two-month period in early 1998. )

Book Seventeen:
The Basket Of Tolerance
The Perfect Guide To Perfectly Unified
Understanding Of The One and Great Tradition
Of Mankind, and Of The Divine Way Of Adidam
As The Perfect Completing Of The One
and Great Tradition Of Mankind
( An all-encompassing "map" of mankind's entire history of religious seeking.
A combination of a bibliography of over 5,000 items
(organized to display Avatar Adi Da's grand Argument relative to the Great Tradition) with over 100 Essays by Avatar Adi Da,
illuminating many specific aspects of the Great Tradition. )
(earlier version)

The Dawn Horse Testament

The Dawn Horse Testament Of
The Ruchira Avatar
The "Testament Of Secrets" Of The Divine World-Teacher,
Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj
( Avatar Adi Da's paramount "Source-Text",
which summarizes the entire course of the Way of Adidam.
Adi Da Samraj says: "In making this Testament
I have been Meditating everyone, contacting everyone,
dealing with psychic forces everywhere, in all time.
This Testament is an always Living Conversation
between Me and absolutely every one." )
(earlier versions)


"Historical" (1997) version of the "SOURCE TEXTS"

1. "Supportive Texts": The functional, practical, relational, and cultural disciplines of Adidam. Among Avatar Adi Da's "Supportive Texts" are: Conscious Exercise and the Transcendental Sun, The Eating Gorilla Comes in Peace, Love of the Two-Armed Form, and Easy Death. (New editions of the first three of these "Supportive Texts" are in preparation.)

The Five Books Of The Heart Of The Adidam Revelation
are available from Adidam Emporium
and some of
The Seventeen Companions Of The True Dawn Horse


The Da Love-Ananda Samrajya Pty Ltd.,
as trustee for The Da Love-Ananda Samrajya,
claims perpetual copyright to all photographs and
the entire Written (and otherwise recorded)
Wisdom-Teaching of Avatar Adi Da Samraj
and the Way of the Heart, or Adidam.
©2000 The Da Love-Ananda Samrajya Pty Ltd.,
as trustee for The Da Love-Ananda Samrajya.
All rights reserved.
Used in DAbase by permission.
note to the reader


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